HEPYGO - Box o' Bliss



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{{ money_str_c2d(parent_product.price_curr * cart_item.qty) }}

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{{ parent_product['opt' + (idx + 1)] }}



Feel rejuvenated every morning , full of energy! Hepy-go, which is made with the traditional recipe of “Kyungok-go” containing Korean Ginseng, Bokryeong, Jihwang, honey will provide stamina and energy for the ones who are too busy to take care of health in daily routines. Experience how your body gain in health day by day with Hepy-go. “HEPY” is a brand of Love Health corporation, and it's an abbreviation for “Herb will make you happy”, which conveys the meaning that diverse oriental herbs will lead you to a happier and healthier lifestyle. We ensure that all products manufactured by “HEPY” are FREE of artificial colors, artificial fragrance, chemical preservatives. “Hepy-go” made with traditional recipe of Kyungok-goHepy-go is made with traditional recipe of kyungok-go containing Korean Ginseng, Bokryeong, Jihwang and honey. In Donguibogam (Principles and Practice of Eastern Medicine), emphasizes effects of Kyungok-go as “ Kyungok-go will cure all damages inner body and pump vitality into internal organs. It will help your white hair turn black again, strengthen your weaken teeth, give you energy to walk like a vibrant horse. ” Hepy-go will help you to feel rejuvanted, have clear skin, and strengthen immunity. Hepy-go recommended for - For ones who are always tired and suffering from continuous fatigue - For ones under stress and emotional instability - For ones who are preparing examination and in need of concentration - For women suffering from irregular menstruation How and when to serve Hepy-go - Take a spoonful and blend with Hot water - After getting up in bed - Before going to bed “3-FREE” (FREE of artificial colors, artificial fragrance, chemical preservatives. ) Hepy-go does not contain artificial colors, artificial fragrance and chemical preservatives. Combining patented fermentation technique with professionality in oriental medicine, we will continue producing finest products for our customers.

사용장소: {{ cart_item.product.gift_card_product.use_area }}

유의사항: {{ cart_item.product.gift_card_product.use_limit }}

주의사항: {{ cart_item.product.gift_card_product.use_note }}

*쿠프 마케팅(발행자): 1644-5093 (09:30~18:00/토,일 공휴일 제외/통화료 발생)

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